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What happens at your first visit

At your initial consultation Dr. Cressman will determine

if you are ready to start Orthodontic treatment.


If you do need braces this is what happens next:



Diagnostic Records


During the first visit to the orthodontist, diagnostic records are made to determine the best course of treatment. Complete diagnostic records typically include a medical/dental history, clinical examination, study models of the teeth, photos of the patient's face and teeth, and X-rays. This information is used to develop a custom treatment plan for each patient. These records are also helpful in tracking the progress of treatment as the teeth move under orthodontic care.


Case Presentation


After Dr. Cressman has evaluated your records, we will discuss your treatment with you in detail, including the cost for your particular case.


Regular Appointments


The length of your appointment will depend upon the treatment. When you initially receive your appliances (braces, expanders, etc.), the appointment takes one to two hours. Subsequently, you will see us at regular intervals, 4 to 8 weeks apart, for an adjustment. These appointments range from 10 to 30 minutes.

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